|Good Reads

Highly Recommended Non-Fiction

Human Operator’s Manual: How Feelings Work, A Psychological Primer – Stuart Zelman, Ph.D., and David Bognar

This book is a psychological primer, a manual on understanding feelings and how people function internally and emotionally. The book explains exactly what feelings are, how they work, how we avoid them, and what happens to avoided feelings. It explains how these old feelings color our experience and perceptions, create pain, disease, and block positive experience. The book explains how to regain full access to experience, and the benefits and process of releasing old feelings. Information on self-help basics makes up the final section, including communicating emotions, the change process, self esteem, attitude, and information on choosing a therapist.

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Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying –– Sogyal Rinpoche

There are many hard-to-understand translations/explanations of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which describes what happens during the transition between lifetimes and how to prepare for it. This is by far the best, most accessible and enlightening, plus the first half of the book could be called  “Secrets of Buddhism Revealed.”

A Course in Miracles – published by Foundation for Inner Peace

Sold separately, or as a combined volume, it consists of a trilogy of three books: a Text, a Workbook for Students comprised of 365 lessons or meditations for each day of a year, and a Manual for Teachers, which is often recommended to be read first. Purportedly written by the Christ Consciousness and channeled through an originally unwilling participant, Dr. Helen Schucman, a Jewish psychologist who lived from 1909-1981. As wild as it sounds, when you read the writings, the information is of such depth and ferocious mind altering truth that it is implausible to have come from this individual writing on her own. (While some discredit channeling, weren’t the books of the Bible supposedly channeling the word of God?) It updates Christianity, becoming in essence a new, new testament. The language is intellectually challenging and somewhat difficult to understand , (made more so by the fact the ego doesn’t want to hear it), but some of the most profound writings available to date.

A Talk Given on a Course of Miracles – Kenneth Wapnick, PhD.

A short, easy to understand explanation of “A Course in Miracles.”

Awaken from the Dream: A Presentation of a Course in Miracles – Kenneth Wapnick, PhD.

If you’ve got a bit more time, this is a more in-depth explanation that is profound yet easy to read.

Power of Now – Eckart Tolle

Explains better than anyone else the difference between the two states of reality: thinking vs. the being in now and why it makes sense to be in the present.

Recommended Non-Fiction

Auto-Biography of a Yogi -Paramahansa Yogananda

There’s something about this book; even his picture on the cover seems to communicate to you directly. He says and describes things that couldn’t rationally happen, yet his words ring of truth. A bonafide guru’s story of the evolution and life of a true spiritual master.

Scientific Healing Affirmations –– Paramahansa Yogananda

A miniature book on healing; one of the best, with a fascinating, matter-of-fact explanation of the“Nature of Creation.”

Everyday Miracles, the Inner Art of Manifestation – David Spangler

A spiritual philosopher, teacher, writer, and former co-director of Findhorn, a New Age community in northern Scotland. If I was going to recommend one book on manifestation this would be it.

Who Dies –– Steven Levine

Like many, I avoided reading about death even after the death of a significant other. I wish I had read it earlier. Tremendously helpful for those dealing death and dying. Levine, a Buddhist, teacher, and former student of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, speaks clearly and profoundly on these matters. He’s written many excellent books and this is a great one to start with.

Seth Books – Jane Roberts

Roberts began as many channelers have, doing automatic writing. He soon felt compelled to speak responses to questions and began channeling for a disembodied entity who called himself Seth. Fearing she was losing her mind, she sought professional help and was assured she was not schizophrenic. The information is so deep and of a different voice that is seems unlikely that the material comes from her. Profound and clear with a reality-changing view.
1st book – The Seth Material Describes how Ms. Roberts began channeling for Seth; the meat of the material is in the 2nd and 3rd books.)
2nd book – Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book) Deals with the structure of reality.
3rd book – Seth Speaks: The Nature of Personal Reality Speaks more of the individual’s journey and meta-psychology.

Touching Peace – Thich Nhat Hanh

Buddhist monk, author, scholar, and poet; short, sweet, and deep experience of peace.

Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson –– Joan Borysenko

Don’t let the title put you off; it’s the best explanation and synthesis of science and psycho-spirituality I’ve come across. If you had to give one book to a person interested in this topic, this would be it.

Love, Medicine and Miracles –– Bernie Siegel

The title says it well. A cancer surgeon, who, once aware of the research, was brave enough to stand up and say, “Hey, look at this, this is really important!” He freely admits he didn’t start mind/body medicine, but he was the guy that bought it to our modern culture. Great review of ground-breaking intersection of medical science, psychology and spirituality. Healing and inspirational.

Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine – Deepak Chopra

His first book, excellent , well written, best summary of mind/body medicine.

Mind, Fantasy and Healing – Alice Hopper- Epstein

She successfully used psycho-synthesis therapy to heal herself of a terminal cancer. Psycho-synthesis is a psycho-therapy developed by Italian psychiatrist Robert Assignoli in which the therapist brings you on a trance healing journey through your inner self, accompanied by your imagination of wise, internal guidance to meet and greet your sub-personalities and discover and release events, beliefs and fears they may are holding onto and no longer need to. A very powerful, enjoyable and effective therapy!

Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon: Survival of Bodily Death ––
Raymond Moody

Research and accounts of what the first steps into the after life look like. This is the book that started it all regarding Near Death Experiences. Well researched and written.

Fairies at Work and Play –– Geoffrey Hodson

Written in the 1920’s in England by a gentleman able to see all sorts of “little people.” and verified in the preface by another gentleman who can also see this into this space. Written in such a matter-of-fact reporting style you really get the sense that this person is seeing another dimension and it literally opens up a whole new world!

Human Operator’s Manual: How Feelings Work, A Psychological Primer – Stuart Zelman, Ph.D., and David Bognar

This book is a psychological primer, a manual on understanding feelings and how people function internally and emotionally. The book explains exactly what feelings are, how they work, how we avoid them, and what happens to avoided feelings. It explains how these old feelings color our experience and perceptions, create pain, disease, and block positive experience. The book explains how to regain full access to experience, and the benefits and process of releasing old feelings. Information on self-help basics makes up the final section, including communicating emotions, the change process, self esteem, attitude, and information on choosing a therapist.

Pathwork of Self Transformation – Eva Pierrakos

John Pierrakos was a psychiatrist and co-founder of Bioenergetics (one of the six Riechian therapies), along with the more well known Alexander Lowen. Pierrakos gets married to Eva who turned out to be a trance channel providing succinct, powerful, in-depth information on how to undo emotional and energetic blocks. This is some of the most powerful information on the psychological process of attaining spiritual self-realization and unification with God Essence/Core. Like the “Course in Miracles,” the truth often creates an incredible amount of ego resistance, to the point it is often hard to read much at one sitting. It primarily consists of 256 lectures. Free transcripts of channeled lectures given on a very interesting range of topics are available on an international foundation web site.
(See “Links” at www.enlightenmentmadesimple.com.)

Secret Life of Plants –– Peter Tompkins/Christopher Bird

I never finished this book, because I was so blown away by what I got in the first 100 pages. Plants able to sense emotions, researchers developing bio sensors, plants proven to be able to transmit and receive through solid matter––wow stuff.

The Field : The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe – Lynne McTaggart

A journalist summarizes the latest research into Quantum Physics. There really is a new vs. old science change going on in the world. In the old science, everything was a particle with defined edges, but the new science has basically proven that everything is a wave and possibly a particle. Another one of those books that blew me away in the first 100 pages. World and reality altering discoveries. The opening summary of what is happening in the world of science is worth the price of the book. Astonishing. Well done.

Triangles – Lucis Trust

A series of free booklets and pamphlets about a meditative concept that serves humanity.  Originates in a series of books written by Alice Bailey in collaboration with an eastern spiritual master called “the Tibetan.” Individuals mentally join in groups of threes to visualize a triangular grid of healing energy around the earth that focuses energy of good will to humanity and the planet. Fascinating material and a productive avenue for those wishing to contribute to the greater good. (See “Links” at www.enlightenmentmadesimple.com.)

Recommended Fiction

The Education of Oversoul Seven – Jane Roberts

A fictional account based on the Seth information regarding the structure of our reality. A story of a non-physical entity named Oversoul 7 who has three distinct physical sub-personalities living on earth, at three different time periods, and a higher self who helps him along.

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah – Richard Bach

Fun, educational and inspiring.

What Dreams May Come – Richard Matheson

You may have seen the movie with Robin Williams that was based on this novel. Matheson, introduces this “fictional” work by asserting that the only thing that is fictional about it are the characters because it is based on his extensive research regarding the after death experience. He has a very lengthy and interesting bibliography in the back of the book. Besides being a fascinating depiction of life in the non-physical dimension, the book helps open the mind and spirit of the reader to the existence of this realm and spirit helpers.